01452 750 467      admin@churcham.gloucs.sch.uk

Learning, respecting
and growing together
as a whole school family

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On Thursday 9th November, Class 1 enjoyed a Design and Technology day. This involved them designing and constructing a windmill and afterwards they evaluated their windmill. They all enjoyed the day and were proud of their finished windmills!

Churcham Primary School have been visited by 'Oakey bear'.  Oakey Bear is a company that attends primary schools to create willowdomes with the children.

On Monday 6th November, Class 2 participated in a STEM workshop. This involved working together to build a Lego robot and program the robot to meet different criteria and complete challenges. The children all enjoyed the day and learnt all about coding and algorithms.  

The Y6 leavers have written about their time at Churcham