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Welcome to the Churcham Primary School website from the Governing Body. 

The Governing Body works hard to support the Headteacher, teaching staff and pupils with the aim of ensuring that Churcham Primary School is able to provide the best possible education for our children and to prepare them for life in modern Britain. School governors are people who wish to make a positive contribution to children’s education. Together with the head teacher they set the future direction of the school and decide how the school’s budget should be spent. They make decisions collectively on matters such as school policies and the school’s development plan and act as a "critical friend" to the school.

The members that make up the Governing Body are chosen by the local authority, the community and parents.  All our Governors have their own careers and responsibilities but they dedicate time to the school when they are able.  Some are able to be in school on a regular basis, whilst others bring financial and legal expertise, strategic planning and more practical skills.  All are hugely valued!

As well as sharing a common desire to be involved in supporting the school, the Governing Body have statutory duties by which they are legally bound.  The Governing Body is ultimately responsible for all matters relating to the school including teaching and learning, safeguarding, health and safety, staffing, premises and ensuring financial accountability and sustainability. The full Governing Body meets once every term. Two committees meet regularly to consider more specific issues of staffing, curriculum and finance. Our committees are Teaching & Learning and Resources.

If you have any concerns or issues that you would like to discuss, please do not hesitate to contact the Chair of Governors, Emma Middlecote, or indeed any of the governors.


Churcham Primary School Governing Body Membership 2024-2025

For full details of governing body membership, responsiblities, attendance and register of interests see below:

pdf Churcham Primary School Governor Information 2024 - 25

Meet our governors:

Donna Milford - Headteacher

I have been the Head teacher at Ellwood Community Primary School, in the Forest of Dean, for the past 9 years. I am currently supporting Ashleworth CoE Primary School and Churcham Primary for the Autumn Term 2024 until the new substantive Head Teachers starts in January 2025. Prior to this I worked in a range of schools: a large city school, numerous smaller rural schools and have spent many years working in local forest schools. I have over 25 years experience working in primary schools with all age ranges and abilities. I have extensive knowledge in SEND and inclusion. I am passionate about ensuring that all children are happy, feel safe and achieve their full potential, socially, emotionally and academically.

Roles: Headteacher, member of Teaching & Learning Committee and Resources Committee

Emma Middlecote – Parent Governor

I became Chair of Governors in 2018.  I moved my children to Churcham Primary in 2016 when I had children in Year 4 and Year 2.  I currently have three children attending the school (Reception, Year 2 and Year 6) and my eldest has moved on to high school.  I became a governor to support the school, staff and children.  I currently work part time within an accountancy firm and in my spare time I enjoy spending time and camping with my family. 

Roles: Chair of Governors, member of Resources Committee, SEND, Pupil Premium and Governor Induction lead

Linda Gregory - LA Governor

My name is Linda Gregory and I joined Churcham governing body in September 2019. I have always been passionate about education and consider it a great privilege to have worked with children throughout my life.  I was a headteacher at two local schools for seventeen years.  Both schools were deemed to be happy and successful. Upon my retirement from headship in 2008 I was appointed as a School Improvement Advisor for Gloucestershire, Swindon and Wiltshire. From 2008 – 2016 I worked with/supported numerous schools and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Since January 2019 I have regularly heard KS1 children read. It has been a joy to foster relationships with them and watch them progress and develop a real love of books and reading. The school is very welcoming and its positive ethos, tangible. I enjoy being involved with such a vibrant community and hope to continue to support the Headteacher and staff in providing the best possible education for the children.  I am married with two grown up sons. My hobbies include travel, theatre, gardening and reading. 

Roles: Vice Chair of Governors, Chair of Teaching & Learning Committee, deputy Safeguarding lead

John Cutter - Parent Governor

Roles: Teaching & Learning Committee member, Safeguarding lead

Matt Hart – Parent Governor

I became a Parent Governor at Churcham Primary School in April 2022. Growing up in nearby Minsterworth, I attended Minsterworth Primary School and have fond memories of participating in sport days and other events at Churcham Primary School. I am an Executive Director of a scientific consultancy and have previously worked in both public and private sectors in a variety of roles across the UK. Although I have never worked in education, I have a range of transferable skills and experience that I hope will benefit the school and allow me to make a meaningful contribution from the outset. I am passionate about our community and delighted to have been given the opportunity to support the continued success of Churcham Primary School. In my spare time I enjoy being out and about in the countryside and (as for long as my knees and shoulders allow) coaching and playing for a local rugby team.

Roles: Resources Committee member, Health & Safety lead

Roger Ingham - Co-opted Governor

Roles: Chair of Resources Committee, member of Teaching & Learning Committee, GDPR lead


pdf Governors' Allowances Policy

pdf Governor Code of Conduct

pdf Governor Visits Policy and Protocol