01452 750 467      admin@churcham.gloucs.sch.uk

Learning, respecting
and growing together
as a whole school family

Science at Churcham Primary School & Ashleworth C of E Primary School

Here at both Churcham Primary School and Ashleworth CofE Primary School we are scientists!

We want our children to remember their Science lessons and embrace the science opportunities that they are presented with. We encourage the children to develop their own sense of curiosity and build on their enquiry skills towards the natural world by providing inspirational and engaging lessons both inside and outside of the classroom. We ensure that we provide a broad and balanced science curriculum that evokes excitement and an awareness of the world around them.

Our whole school Science Curriculum is based on the National Curriculum 2014 and our KS1 and KS2 rolling programmes provide a careful sequence of learning, so that the children build on what has been taught before, which helps to develop their skills, knowledge and related vocabulary from year group to year group. To ensure that the lessons are relevant and take account of the children’s different starting points of knowledge and experience, the staff use a variety of questioning, mind maps and classroom discussions to find out what the children already know.

In Reception, Science is taught through the children learning about the world around them through play, stories and Forest School.

As staff we continue to incorporate Science concepts into other areas of learning such as Forest School, Maths, and Computing lessons. As well as our Science lessons, Churcham and Ashleworth Schools continue to hold whole school Science mornings annually, where the children have the opportunity to work together to explore and celebrate Science in the world around them.


Key Stage 1 Science Rolling Programme






Science 3

Sci 1

Sci 2

Sci 3

Sci 4

Sci 5