01452 750 467      admin@churcham.gloucs.sch.uk

Learning, respecting
and growing together
as a whole school family

Here at Churcham Primary School & Ashleworth CE Primary School we ensure that children are engaged with their Computing skills by providing fun, practical and engaging lessons. Our whole-school scheme which we use here is ‘Purple Mash’. On this page, you will find the overviews for ‘Purple Mash’ and all resources that you will need to support your child with their Computing skills. Following Purple Mash, we use a ‘chimp, gibbon and gorilla’ approach; this means that the Computing work would start with simple coding and tasks, to then get progressively more challenging. This approach allows the child to be slowly scaffolded to experience the challenge of the ‘gorilla’ problems.

As well as our Computing lessons, Churcham continues to incorporate Computing into other subjects by using up-to-date laptops and ipads within lessons to record our work. We also hold fantastic Computing days, including inviting the STEM team in to carry out ‘KNEX challenge’, Lego Coding days and, of course, e-safety days. We hold an annual internet safety day, although we incorporate e-safety into our every day teaching. The children love to all work together during these days and we feel these Computing Days encourage children to enjoy this subject and become more engaged. 

Both Churcham Primary School and Ashleworth CE Primary School offer a wide selection of resources for the children to use to support their learning. We offer lots of practical, concrete resources such as Bee-Bots, iPads, Laptops, mouse and of couse, Purple Mash. Purple Mash can be used in school during lessons, but it can also be used at home where the children can access a range of resources on the application; thus helping them with other subjects within the whole curriculum. The children are also able to be offered a range of Computing vocabulary word mats to support their understanding of each topic within the Computing curriculum (see attached file).

In order to ensure that we have covered the Computing curriulum, we have developed a rolling program to teach topics at certain times of the year – please see our overviews relating to Purple Mash below for each year group:

Year 1:

Comp 1


Year 2:

Comp 2


Year 3:

Comp 3.1

Comp 3.2


Year 4:

Comp 4.1

Comp 4.2


Year 5:

Comp 5.1

Comp 5.2


Year 6:

Comp 6.1

Comp 6.2

  pdf Computing Vocabulary - All Years