01452 750 467      admin@churcham.gloucs.sch.uk

Learning, respecting
and growing together
as a whole school family

We aim for all our children to develop a fascination about the World and its people. Our Geography curriculum covers the objectives outlined in the National Curriculum and we ensure we offer a relevant and broad curriculum that inspires and excites our pupils using a range of topics.

We ensure Geography lessons throughout our units of work are varied, fun and engaging for all children. Each new topic begins in the same way, with the children completing a KWL grid to reflect on what they already know and what they would like to learn. Each lesson starts with a key question for the children to answer, for example ‘How do volcanoes erupt?’ and ‘Where are the mountain ranges of the world located?’ We use a range of sources of geographical information to answer our key questions and learn about locations, both immediate to our locality and further afield such as maps, diagrams, globes and aerial photographs.

During each topic, the children develop their key knowledge, skills and vocabulary in the following areas:

  • To investigate places
  • To investigate patterns
  • To communicate geographically

In Key Stage 2 we follow a 4 year rolling programme and in Key Stage 1 we follow a 2 year rolling programme; this reflects our mixed aged classes.


Key Stage 2 Geography topics

Autumn A

Spring A

Summer A

Autumn B

Spring B

Summer B

History focus

Our Wonderful world

History focus

History focus

Rivers and Coasts

The Americas

Autumn C

Spring C

Summer C

Autumn D

Spring D

Summer D

History focus

Where on Earth are we?

History focus

History focus

What did the Romans leave us?

Locating countries in the Roman empire.

History focus


Key Stage 1 History and Geography topics

Autumn A

Spring A

Summer A

Autumn B

Spring B

Summer B



Cities, towns and villages.

Homes around the world

(Using grid references).

Contrasting human and physical features in Ashleworth and Kenya.

Seasonal/daily weather

Naming parts of UK, continents and Oceans

North, South, East, West


Maps and plans-locating beans on map of where they grow.

Create a simple map of the school grounds.

Minibeasts at home and abroad-locate these on a map.

Gloucestershire-comparing our area to a local seaside resort-writing postcards from the seaside.