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and growing together
as a whole school family

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Welcome to Churcham School Charity & PTFA

Churcham Primary School is proud to have always held a very successful PTFA consisting of volunteer parents.

In 2022, the PTFA applied for and successfully gained charitable status as a Charitable Incorporated Organization (CIO). Being such a small school, we aspired to extend our fundraising yield beyond the school community itself.

Our two main goals are to:

1. Collaborate with teaching staff, pupils and parents to enrich the delivery of the curriculum at Churcham Primary School.

2. Raise additional funding for activities, facilities and equipment to advance the education of the pupils.


School Events

Throughout the year we run various school events including discos, craft competitions, Christmas trips, Summer Fun Days, Dress up days, Cake sales and more. The main purpose of these events is to have lots of fun and create memories. We are always reviewing these events and would welcome any new ideas you may have or would like to help with.

As a joint project with our school Eco-Council, we have recently installed a community clothing and textile recycling bin in association with C&G Collections Ltd. This is placed in a prime position outside our school and is accessible for the whole community. As we enjoy watching our children grow, it’s great to know that we’re ‘doing our bit’ to protect their world. Next time you have a good clear out, why not help us to ‘turn Lbs into £s’.

The Reuse Process (C&G Collections) https://cgcollections-ltd.co.uk/the-reuse-process


Churcham Primary School Eco-Council with our new shiny textile bin


Community Events

This year, in addition to school-based events we have organized a local tractor run and held a stall at the Speech House Vintage Show. Our stall at the Steam Fair this year was kindly sponsored by both Elite Pro Sports and May Hill Farm Equestrian enabling us to create a Gloucester Rugby themed stall.


Both opportunities have allowed us to network with other community groups, to promote our school and enhance our funding. We are continually looking for opportunities to expand our community network. If you run an event or are part of a local business and would like to collaborate with our charity please do get in touch.


Grant Applications

After gaining feedback from staff and pupil councils, CPS Charity & PTFA formulated a list of objectives for the year ahead. Bid writing has been aligned to these objectives and we are thankful and grateful to the following companies and charities for their support this year:


One of our key objectives was to enable further outdoor learning opportunities as well as increasing the sheltered space for the children to use for both playtimes and as an additional breakout area for 1:1 teaching support. Combining these objectives, NINEVEH Charitable Trust have kindly sponsored the children to learn to weave and create their own willow dome for their playground. A 2-day workshop will be happening in the Autumn term. Watch this space for pictures to see how our pupils get on…


We have just been shortlisted for a Tesco Community Grant through Groundworks with a project titled ‘It feels good to be me’. Please support us by visiting any Tesco supermarket and dropping your blue token (or two!) in the collection point to support us. Funding from this will enable us to train one of our teaching staff as a specialist emotional support worker (ELSA). More tokens equal more funding! The voting starts on 1st October until mid-January 2024.

Churcham Primary School Charity and PTFA are proudly working in partnership with:



CPSC & PTFA Trustees:

Becki Albrighton (Chairperson)

Emma Middlecote (Treasurer)

Stephanie Bennett (Secretary)

Sarah Luke (Grant Applications Lead)

Anna-Marie Hall (Trustee)

The work of the Churcham Primary School & PTFA charity is not exclusively limited to the trustees. We would welcome any suggestions or help at events to help us to build a brighter future for the pupils and staff and Churcham Primary School.

Feel free to get in touch: Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.