01452 750 467      admin@churcham.gloucs.sch.uk

Learning, respecting
and growing together
as a whole school family

School Calendar

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Welcome to Class 1:


In Class 1, there are three year groups; reception, year 1 and year 2.  Mrs Shakespeare and Mrs Shaw are the teachers in Class 1.  Miss Muirhead  is the class teaching assistant and Miss Tippins also supports groups of children. 

At times, all 3 year groups learn together and sometimes children receive adult-inputs for their year group, while other children are working independently to apply their learning to tasks.

Little Wandle phonics lessons are taught on a daily basis.  English and Maths lessons also take place every day (during the mornings).   In English, we use the Talk for Writing teaching strategies.  In Maths, we use the White Rose planning and resources.  Every day the children also spend time developing their arithmetic skills and we use 'Rainbow Maths' to develop this skill.  In addition to this, we have 3 group reading sessions for each child every week.  We use Big Cat phonics reading books for these sessions and these books then go home on a Thursday to help build further confidence/fluency.

Afternoons centre on cross-curricular subjects with each term having a key topic question to explore.

Class 1 have P.E every Tuesday and Friday afternoon and these sessions are delivered by a specialist sports coach.

We visit the school library every Thursday and we enjoy sharing books together during this time.  We also take 2 books home a week (1 fiction book and 1 non-fiction book) and these books are then shared with our families at home.  

In Class 1, we have a rolling programme that teachers plan from (please see the document to find out more about this).

Our topic for Autumn term is 'Wonderful Weather.'  We will then go onto the topic of 'Why did London burn?'

Please read the parent leaflet for more information on our current topic and you will also find some ideas on how to support your child at home.  

We have Maths/English homework every Thursday and homework is then due in on a Tuesday.  A set of spellings are also sent home on a weekly basis.  Spellings go home on a Tuesday and we are then tested on the spellings on the following Monday.  

Class teachers update the Class Dojo on a regular basis-An overview of the week is uploaded at the start of each week and pictures of Class 1 learning are posted throughout the week.  

pdf Autumn Term Letter for Parents 2024

pdf Class 1 Newsletter - Spring Term 2024

pdf Key Stage 1 Two Year Topic Rolling Programme

pdf Class 1 Autumn Term Newletter 2023